November 14,2022

7 Reasons Why Google PageRank Is No Longer Relevant

Google PageRank is the most popular and well-known method of ranking websites. It was developed by Google co-founder Larry Page and was named after him. 

PageRank works by counting the number and quality of links to a page to determine a rough estimate of the website’s importance. The underlying assumption is that more important websites will likely receive more links from other websites.

However, there are a number of reasons why Google PageRank is no longer the be-all and end-all of SEO as it once was.

1. The Rise of Mobile Search

More and more people are using mobile devices to search the internet. This means that the traditional desktop-based PageRank algorithm is less relevant.

Mobile devices are typically smaller and have less screen real estate than desktop computers. This means that users are less likely to click on ads and links that are displayed on a website. As a result, websites that rely heavily on advertising revenue are seeing a decline in revenue as users shift to mobile devices. 

In addition, mobile devices are often used on the go, which means that users are less likely to spend a lot of time browsing through a website. They are more likely to want to find the information they need quickly and easily. This means that websites need to be designed with a mobile-first approach in order to be successful.

2. Google’s Focus on User Experience

Google is increasingly focusing on the user experience, such as click-through rate and time on site, rather than simply on the number of links to a website. This means that other factors, such as the loading speed of a website, are becoming more important.

As a result, sites with a high PageRank are not necessarily the ones that are most visible in search results.

3. The Rise of Social Media

Social media is playing an increasingly important role in how people find and share information. This means that links from social media sites are becoming more important, and links from traditional websites are becoming less important.

4. Google’s Focus on Quality Content

Google is increasingly focusing on quality content rather than on the quantity of content. This means that websites with high-quality content are more likely to rank well, regardless of the number of links they have.

5. The Rise of Personalisation

Google is personalising search results more and more, which means that the PageRank of a website is less relevant for individual users.

6. Google Now Penalises Low-Quality Websites

In the past, a website with a high PageRank could rank highly in search results even if it was low-quality. However, Google has since changed its algorithm to penalise low-quality websites. As a result, a high PageRank is no longer a guarantee of a good search engine ranking.

7. Google Is No Longer PageRank Updating Regularly

 Google last updated its PageRank algorithm in 2013, and there is no indication that the company plans to update it any time soon. This means that the PageRank of a website is no longer an accurate reflection of its current search engine ranking.


Google PageRank is no longer as relevant as it once was. This is due to a number of factors, including the rise of mobile search, social media and personalisation. Google also focuses on user experience and quality content, penalising low-quality websites. 

Additionally, Google has stopped updating the PageRank metric, so it is no longer possible to accurately gauge a website’s success using this metric. Hence PageRank is no longer the be-all and end-all of search engine optimisation.                          

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I guess what we’re trying to say is that you should hit the damn button

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