Hurricane Digital was born out of necessity for change within the digital marketing landscape. After working at multiple agencies, Hurricane’s founders: Joshua and Xavier (both industry veterans) saw the treacherous environment small businesses faced when trying to traverse the digital marketing landscape first hand. More often than not they would see small businesses lied to by smooth talking salesmen, taking advantage of their lack of industry knowledge to sell them an overpriced service that did nothing but drain their account. Leaving the business owner with a deep hole in their pocket and a sour taste in their mouth. And the agency who sold it to them? Well they rode off into the sunset unscaved of course. Both founders realized small businesses were often the ones who could benefit the most from digital marketing, but were the ones who were burnt by it the most. And so the desire to create an affordable yet effective digital marketing system for small businesses was born. No easy feat, taking over 12 months and tens of thousands of dollars to test and develop, however the system and agency we now call Hurricane Digital was born. Able to take any small business from the most common 35 industries and totally transform their lead generation, creating a money printing machine to last the lifetime of the business, at a cost that was affordable for every small business.
Warning: we reserve the right to revoke this offer at anytime
The core of showing up on page one of google is actually being on google in the first place. If you aren’t there we can’t get you to the top. Simple as that. If you aren’t on google we can get you there. We will just need a bit of cooperation from yourself to get set-up.
We have been doing this for a long time, we know what works. That’s why we made a business around it. We need to execute those strategies to get you the results we promise. Don’t worry we will run through exactly what we do before you jump on board.
We can promise what we promise because we are hyper focused on small businesses and a few core industries. This allows us to produce the best quality results as we do the same stuff all day every day. We won’t sign you up if you don’t fit into this category.
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English.
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English.
A lot of marketers talk a big game, but when it comes to backing it up they retreat to their sleep pods and safe spaces, leaving poor service quality and you scratching your head because you are allergic to the massive wool quilt they just threw over your face that is blocking your vision. (it’s a “wool over your eyes” joke).
Just like having no one show up to your birthday party, there’s nothing worse than having your expectations let down (ignore the oddly specific example). That’s why we are upfront with you in how long it takes to see results. You will start to see a consistent jump in results after 3 months, from there it’s pretty much a straight line to the top over the following 9 months of the campaign. We wish it could be done faster but the google overlords have deemed this the only way. I think it’s some lesson about patience and how good things come to wait or maybe just a sick joke the executives laugh about in the office. Either way it’s the playing field everyone is on and we play it as fast as we can.
Yes – we’re the nerds so you don’t have to be. We do our best to speak to you in plain english and we do all the work for you. That’s why you pay us isn’t it?
We offer a one of a kind guarantee on our service, if we don’t hit our agreed upon targets, we stop getting paid.
We just need you for that onboarding call. After that it’s really all in your court. We will provide you with detailed monthly reporting that you can view when you please, and you can choose to spend as little or as long looking over that as you like. We respect your time as a business owner, doing as much as we can on our side and involving you in only what is necessary. We’ll handle getting you the new clients so you can handle … the new clients.