April 24,2023

Track Your Local SEO Progress: Methods for Success

Local SEO is vital to any digital marketing strategy for businesses targeting local customers. It involves optimising your website and online presence to rank higher in local search results, driving more traffic, leads, and sales to your brick-and-mortar store.

However, to maximise the benefits of local SEO and web design, you need to track your progress and measure the effectiveness of your tactics. This article will explore some methods for tracking your local SEO progress and achieving success.

Method 1: Monitor Your Google My Business Listing

Google My Business (GMB) is local businesses’ most important online directory. It allows you to build a profile that appears in Google Maps and search results when someone searches for your company name or related keywords. To keep track of your local SEO development, regularly check your GMB listing and make sure it’s correct, comprehensive, and current. This involves confirming your company information, uploading pictures and videos, replying to feedback, and posting updates.

Method 2: Analyse Your Website Analytics

Your site is the foundation of your online personality, and tracking its performance is essential to measure your local SEO success. You can monitor your website’s traffic, engagement, and conversion rates using website analytics tools such as Google Analytics to determine which pages are performing well, which keywords drive traffic, and which referral sources send visitors to your site.

To track local SEO progress, focus on local search metrics like visitors, bounce rate, time spent, and conversion rate. Analyse these metrics to optimise local search and improve the user experience for local customers.

Method 3: Conduct Local Keyword Research

Keyword research is the groundwork of any SEO strategy and is no different for local SEO. However, instead of targeting generic keywords that may have high competition and low relevance to your local audience, you should focus on local keywords that reflect the local search intent. For example, instead of targeting “web design” as a keyword, you can target “web design agency in Sydney” or “website designer near me”.

You can also use keyword research means, such as Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, or SEMrush, to optimise your content, meta tags, and website structure for local keywords and improve your local search visibility. This way, when local customers search for products or services related to your business, they are more likely to find you in the search results.

Method 4: Monitor Your Online Reputation

Your online reputation is crucial for your local SEO success, as it influences how customers perceive your business and whether they choose to do business with you. Therefore, observe your online reputation regularly and respond to customer reviews, feedback, or complaints promptly and professionally.

To monitor your local SEO progress, use online reputation management tools like Hootsuite, Mention, or ReviewTrackers to track your brand, reviews, and social media mentions. Analysing this data addresses negative feedback and highlights positive reviews and testimonials on your website or Google My Business listing.

Final Thoughts

Tracking your local SEO progress is crucial for the success of your business. By implementing the methods discussed in this article, you can monitor the effectiveness of your SEO strategies and make necessary adjustments. 

Hurricane Digital is a local SEO agency that specialises in helping businesses improve their online presence and attract more local customers. We offer local listing management, on-page optimisation, and review management solutions. Claim your free 30-minute strategy session with us today!

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