October 9,2023

Mastering Google My Business for Local SEO Success

As a small business in Brisbane, harnessing the power of local search engine optimisation (SEO) is crucial to reaching potential customers in your area. Central to this effort is optimising your Google My Business (GMB) listing, a free and powerful tool from the search engine giant that helps businesses manage their online presence across Google Search and Maps. With a correctly optimised GMB listing, your business will enjoy improved local search rankings, increased website traffic, and heightened credibility among your audience. Ultimately, mastering GMB will give your small business the competitive advantage necessary to thrive in your local market.

In this informative guide, we will explore the ins and outs of setting up, optimising, and harnessing the full potential of your Google My Business profile for sustainable local SEO success. Dive into the step-by-step process of establishing your GMB listing, learn essential local SEO strategies for optimising your profile, and discover the value of customer reviews and ratings in strengthening your online presence. Furthermore, uncover the benefits of using Google Posts to drive engagement and boost local visibility, and learn to track key GMB performance metrics to measure your campaign’s success.

Join forces with Hurricane Digital, Brisbane’s leading local business-focused marketing agency, to capitalise on the wealth of expertise and innovative strategies while tailoring an effective GMB profile for your small business. At Hurricane Digital, we understand the unique challenges and ambitions of small businesses, providing customised support to ensure your local search engine optimisation and Google My Business efforts yield tangible results and lasting growth.

Together, let’s explore the vital role Google My Business plays in local SEO and equip your Brisbane-based small business with the knowledge and tools needed to excel in today’s increasingly digital landscape.

Setting Up Your Google My Business Profile: A Step-by-Step Guide

Creating a comprehensive Google My Business profile is the first step to leveraging this powerful tool for local SEO success. Follow these simple steps to set up your GMB profile:

  1. Visit the Google My Business homepage and click “Sign in” or “Manage now”
  2. Enter your Google account details or create a new account
  3. Search for your business using its name and address
  4. If your business doesn’t show up or if it’s a new business, click “Add your business to Google” and provide the required information
  5. Choose the most appropriate category for your business
  6. Enter your business address and location details
  7. Provide your main contact information, including phone number and website
  8. Verify your account, either by mail, phone, or email (depending on the options available)

Optimising Your Google My Business Listing with Local SEO Best Practices

An optimised GMB listing will not only enhance your online visibility but also improve your local SEO rankings. Implement the following local SEO strategies to optimise your GMB listing:

  1. Add High-Quality Photos: Include high-resolution images of your business to showcase its unique offerings and appeal. Google encourages businesses to upload at least three photos, preferably including interior and exterior shots, product or service images, and staff photos.
  2. Ensure Consistent NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) Information: Keep your NAP details consistent across all online platforms and directories, as Google uses this information to verify the credibility of your business.
  3. Utilise Business Hours: Clearly specify your operating hours on your GMB profile and keep them updated to prevent customer frustration.
  4. Include Keyword-Rich Descriptions: Write a concise yet engaging business description that includes relevant keywords to help enhance your local search rankings. Avoid keyword stuffing, and focus on providing a genuine, informative description.

Leveraging Customer Reviews and Ratings for Enhanced Online Presence

Customer reviews and ratings are powerful tools to not only build customers’ trust but also improve local search engine rankings. Follow these tips to harness the power of customer feedback on your GMB profile:

  1. Encourage Reviews: Actively request reviews from satisfied customers, as Google encourages businesses to accumulate as many authentic reviews as possible.
  2. Respond to Reviews: Take the time to reply to positive and negative feedback, demonstrating your commitment to customer satisfaction and openness to feedback.
  3. Address and Resolve Negative Reviews: Acknowledge any issues raised in negative reviews and work towards resolving them. Turning a dissatisfied customer’s experience into a positive one can go a long way in establishing your business’s credibility.

Harnessing Google Posts to Drive Engagement and Boost Local Visibility

Google Posts are a valuable feature of GMB, allowing businesses to share updates, events, and promotions directly on their listing. By utilising Google Posts, you can engage your audience, drive website traffic, and enhance your local SEO rankings. Here are some ideas on how to effectively utilise Google Posts:

  1. Share Business Updates: Keep customers informed of any changes to your business, such as updated hours, new service offerings, or seasonal sales.
  2. Promote Events: Advertise upcoming events you’re hosting or participating in, appealing to potential customers in the Brisbane area.
  3. Highlight Special Offers: Draw attention to limited-time promotions and discounts, driving customers to your website or physical store.
  4. Showcase New Products or Services: Introduce new offerings to your audience and provide direct links for them to explore further.

Tracking Key Google My Business Performance Metrics

Monitoring your GMB performance is essential in making data-driven decisions and refining your local SEO strategy. Consider tracking the following performance metrics:

  1. Views: Monitor the number of views your listing receives, analysing fluctuations to identify trends and opportunities.
  2. Clicks: Track the number of clicks your listing generates, helping gauge the effectiveness of your GMB profile.
  3. Customer Actions: Analyse the actions customers take, such as visiting your website, calling, or requesting directions, to better understand their behaviour and interests.


By mastering Google My Business, Brisbane-based small businesses can harness the power of local SEO to boost online visibility, attract local leads, and experience sustainable growth. By following this guide and partnering with Hurricane Digital, you can navigate the complexities of setting up, optimising, and leveraging the full potential of your GMB profile, ensuring long-term success in an increasingly competitive digital landscape.

I guess what we’re trying to say is that you should hit the damn button

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